Dr Robin Whyman
Title: NZDA Director (Dental Policy)
A bit about me: Dr Robin Whyman BDS, MComDent, FRACDS, FRACDS (DPH), FICD, FADI, Hon Life NZDA
Robin is the inaugural Director (Dental Policy) at NZDA. He is well-known across the dental sector and beyond. His expertise and past roles include Executive Director at NZDA, Chief Dental Officer at the Ministry of Health, Chair of the Dental Council of New Zealand; and most recently Chief Medical & Dental Officer at Te Whatu Ora Hawke’s Bay.
Robin maintains general practice dentistry in the hospital system and is a registered dental public health specialist. He will be leading NZDA’s work developing positions, policies and strategies on oral health prevention, access to care and workforce development, to name a few.