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Veneers: A Comprehensive Guide

Day One: Lecture Assessing a patient for veneers Material options: composite or porcelain Design and case planning Prep design - locating features, depth reduction and margins Masking intrinsic stains in teeth Provisionals - different techniques The wax-up and trial smile and its importance Functional checks to ensure veneer success Cementation - simplifying a potentially complex procedure Pre-restorative orthodontics and the advantages Complex veneer cases Day Two: Hands-On Veneer Design/Prep/Cementation Understand tooth form and morphology Create a trial smile Prep veneers on a model Finishing, polishing and occlusal review

Learning outcomes

Develop confidence in designing and delivering a conservative aesthetic option for patients Understand the materials available and how to use them effectively Learn the role occlusion and design play in the success of veneers Learn the appropriate conversations to have regarding informed consent


Dr Andrea Shepperson BDS

Dr Andrea Shepperson is one of New Zealand’s best-known dentists and educators, with a referral-based clinical practice managing tooth wear and interdisciplinary reconstruction of the worn dentition. Author of Managing Tooth Wear: A Comprehensive Guide for General Practice, Andrea graduated from the University of Otago in 1984 and is the owner of Shepperson Education, a dedicated teaching facility on Waiheke Island in Auckland. Her events have a strong emphasis on evidence-based clinical strategies and their implementation. Her responsiveness, use of technology, and ability to distil complex concepts into pragmatic solutions help dentists prepare for the future. As a practising clinician, she understands the hearts and minds of dentists and their daily challenges. She brings a wealth of international knowledge, networking, and high-level engagement with some of the leading dentists of the world. She is a mentor and alumna of the internationally renowned Kois Center in Seattle, USA, New Zealand’s only Digital Smile Design KOL and Master, running New Zealand’s first DSD Clinic. She is an Honorary Life Member of the NZ Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry and a Global Ambassador for Slow Dentistry. A contributing author to Practical Procedures In Aesthetic Dentistry, she contributes to publications, podcasts, webinars, and expert panels in the development of dentistry globally.

Veneers: A Comprehensive Guide


Dr Andrea Shepperson BDS

Thursday 7th Nov 2024 - Friday 8th Nov 2024
9:00am - 5:00pm
Venue: Ivoclar
12 Omega Street
Region: Auckland
Brought to you by Ivoclar Vivadent
12 Omega Street
New Zealand