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Implants are becoming more prevalent every day as the standard of care for tooth replacement. With this prevalence also comes advances in materials and solutions.

Learning outcomes

We will explore the possibilities for screw retained crowns, custom abutments with crowns, angled screw access and temporary restorations. We will discuss when to use variable height ti-bases as it relates to implant depth and soft tissue height for better emergence profile options, as well as how having more control over the final outcome will make us all better practitioners. Our patients today want the best technology for their care, delivered in a safe and efficient manner. Let’s provide that for them! Objectives: Learn the possibilities available for implant restorations today. Learn what variable tibases can do to improve emergence profile. Discuss optimal lab communication to provide the best chance for successful tooth replacement.


Dr Kristine Aadland

Dr Kristine opened her first practice during the longest economic downturn since World War II. Was there magic in her approach? Not at all. She is a technology geek who is dental phobic, so she combined the best technology available with a patient-first approach and grew her practice into what it is today. Kris’s practice has a digital technology flow that honors patient’s busy schedules and has brought exponential growth to her business. She began to lecture when she discovered that very few women stood behind the podium. 'Become the change you want to see' has become a personal mantra for her as she encourages other women to engage in the educational side of dentistry. Kris most often lectures on digital technology, but one of her favorite educational courses is live patient training. This training combines high technology workflows with doctors creating same day smiles for those in need. Never a dry eye at the end of the day, she found a way to combine her love of this industry into an educational format that empowers doctors and changes the lives of those we serve. Although most days you can find her either in her practice or on a stage, you can also find her at Titanium Winery in the Napa Valley. Co-owned with her fiancé, Dr Justin Moody, their first vintage will hit the market in 2025. Their hope is that you will enjoy it with loved ones and create lifetime memories.

NZDA Conference 2024 - Dentist Day 2

Todays Single Unit Implant Restorations


Dr Kristine Aadland

Saturday 24th Aug 2024
8:00am - 5:00pm
Venue: Te Pae Christchurch Convention Centre
188 Oxford Terrace
Christchurch Central City
Region: Canterbury
Brought to you by New Zealand Dental Assoc.
NZDA House
1/195 Main Highway
Ellerslie, Auckland
New Zealand

New Zealand Dental Assoc.