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Learn how the microscope can improve your practice This two-part “hands on” course will discuss how the enhanced magnification and illumination provided by the dental operating microscope can be applied to almost all clinical situations. These include the diagnosis of caries, cracks and fractures, pit and fissure restorations, all stages of cavity, veneer and crown preparations and endodontic, periodontal and oral surgery procedures. The microscope is already considered the standard of care in many dental specialties, and its use in general practice is growing. By encouraging good posture, the microscope benefits the health of the dentist and the chairside assistant. When combined with documentation facilities, the microscope is an excellent tool for patient education, record keeping and legal defence.

Learning outcomes

Adjust the microscope for comfort and effectiveness Carry out clinical procedures using various levels of magnification Utilize their chairside assistant to maximum benefit Develop new skills using specialised instruments designed for the microscope Improve communication with your patients Improve your treatment records

Further information 

Dr Steven Cohn, Dr Tim McAnulty, Dr Sabrina Manickam, Barbara Faulkner

Dr Steven Cohn AM is a specialist endodontist in Sydney. Steve has taught undergraduate and postgraduate endodontics at the University of Sydney and Westmead Hospital since 1979 and is the former Director of Postgraduate Endodontic Education at the University of Sydney. In 1998 Steve started the first microscope training courses for endodontists in Australia. In the last 13 years Dr Cohn has run more courses for the University of Sydney Continuing Education in Dentistry program than any other educator. Since 2009 Steve, Dr Rick Spencer and Ms Barbara Faulkner have conducted microscope courses for general practitioners. These courses have continued annually since 1998 and 2009 respectively. Steve also does hands on microscope training on an individual basis in dentist’s rooms on request. Dr Cohn also presents “hands on“ clinics on rubber dam utilisation with Dr Rick Spencer and Ms Barbara Faulkner emphasising rubber dam application in both endodontics and general practice. Steve has also made a rubber dam training video for the ADA (NSW Branch) CPD. Dr Cohn has also maintained a long interest in dental radiology. He was a consultant to the Dunvale and Rinn corporations and assisted with developing both the Rinn DS and DS Endo devices. He solely designed both the Snapex (1979) and TruView (2017) radiography systems, both specifically designed to be used with all endodontic and restorative procedures carried out under rubber dam. Steve regularly conducts “hands on' radiology workshops throughout Australia. Until recently Dr Cohn was a Federal ADA Media Advisor responsible for the development and delivery of educational content for the dental profession. Dr Tim McAnulty graduated from Sydney University in 1978 and commenced general dental practice in the small western NSW community of Nyngan that same year. In 2003 he relocated to Orange continuing his practice as a GP Dentist and now works in association with Dr Sabrina Manickam at McAnulty Manickam Family Dental in Orange. In 2004 he completed his Graduate Certificate in Dentistry from the University of Adelaide. Tim has been involved from time to time with both the University of Sydney and Charles Sturt University in the clinical teaching of dental students on a part time basis. He has also held the position of the ADA NSW Councillor and Board member in recent years. Over the years as a rural and regional dentist Tim saw many patients whose dental treatment covered a wide spectrum of needs. It was his determination to do the best he could for his patients that led him to look at magnification in dental practice. in 2009 the opportunity arose for Tim to spend a day with a Sydney Prosthodontist who routinely used a microscope in his day-to-day practice. Tim was hooked and bought his first microscope soon after. He also enrolled and participated in Dr Steven Cohn’s Microscope Course that same year! In 2014 a second microscope for his practice was obtained as he believes that the greatly improved vision provided by microscopy allows him and his colleagues in the practice to provide the best possible treatment outcome for their patients. Dr Sabrina Manickam has worked for public and private health, education, and professional and regulatory bodies in her 28 years of practice, advocating for strong leadership, ethics and professionalism and sound dental representation in the health environment. Major employment roles included Area Clinical Director for Dental Services in Western NSW 2006-2008, Sub-dean Rural Dental Programs University of Sydney, 2006-2008, Associate Head of School and Discipline Head at Charles Sturt University, School of Dentistry and Health Sciences 2008-2017, ADA NSW President 2015-2017, and involvement with ADA NSW Committees, Council, Executive and Board since 1994. Her involvement with the regulatory bodies includes ongoing service with the NSW Dental Board and Dental Council since 2004. Having worked in public practice in Western Sydney and private practice in the Penrith region for 6 years, Sabrina moved to Orange in 1999 worked for Western NSW until 2008, then moved onto Charles Sturt University in 2008-17 and then to McAnulty Family Dental in 2012 where she became practice owner and principal at McAnulty-Manickam Family Dental in 2018. In private practice in Orange is where Sabrina was introduced to the microscope in 2014 and is often heard saying out loud, “If my microscope is not working then neither will I!!' Sab is a strong believer in the clinical excellence microscope magnification provides to clinical practice and hopes to introduce, encourage, and help all practitioners to “see the new world through these amazing eyes!' Ms Barbara Faulkner started as a casual dental nurse in 1987 while still at school. She attained a degree in Arts B.A. (Hons) from The University of Sydney. Since the introduction of the microscope into Dr Spencer’s practice in 2002, Barbara has helped to integrate and develop treatment protocols, including training other nurses in four handed dentistry specific to microscope enhanced practice. Barbara also has over twenty years’ experience with routine rubber dam usage in general practice.

Dr Steven Cohn, Dr Tim McAnulty, Dr Sabrina Manickam, Barbara Faulkner 

The Microscope for the General Practitioner: Part 2


Dr Steven Cohn, Dr Tim McAnulty, Dr Sabrina Manickam, Barbara Faulkner

Thursday 8th Aug 2024
8:30am - 5:00pm
Centre for Professional Development
1 Atchison Street
Region: St Leonards Nsw, Australia
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Brought to you by ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development