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Learn how the microscope can improve your practice This two-part “hands-on” course will discuss how the enhanced magnification and illumination provided by the dental operating microscope can be applied to almost all clinical situations. These include the diagnosis of caries, cracks and fractures, pit and fissure restorations, all stages of cavity, veneer and crown preparations and endodontic, periodontal and oral surgery procedures.

Learning outcomes

Adjust the microscope for comfort and effectiveness Carry out clinical procedures using various levels of magnification Utilize their chairside assistant to maximum benefit Develop new skills using specialised instruments designed for the microscope Improve communication with your patients Improve your treatment records

Further information 

Dr Steven Cohn Dentist

Dr Steven Cohn AM is a specialist endodontist in Sydney. He has taught undergraduate and postgraduate endodontics at the University of Sydney and Westmead Hospital since 1979 and is the former Director of Postgraduate Endodontic Education at the University of Sydney. Dr Cohn is presently Adjunct Clinical Professor at the University of Puthisastra in Cambodia and Director of the Diploma in Endodontics program. In 2019 he founded the Cambodia Oral Health Partnership that provides dental care for children in Cambodia.

Dr Steven Cohn 

Dr Tim McAnulty Dentist

Dr Tim McAnulty graduated from Sydney University in 1978 and commenced general dental practice in the small western NSW community of Nyngan that same year. In 2003 he relocated to Orange continuing his practice as a GP Dentist. In 2004 he completed his Graduate Certificate in Dentistry from the University of Adelaide. From 2012 he has worked in association with Dr Sabrina Manickam in private practice in Orange.

Dr Tim McAnulty 

Dr Sabrina Manickam Dentist

Dr Sabrina Manickam has worked for public and private health, education, and professional and regulatory bodies in her 28 years of practice, advocating for strong leadership, ethics and professionalism and sound dental representation in the health environment.

Dr Sabrina Manickam 

Ms Barbara Faulkner Arts B.A. (Hons)

Ms Barbara Faulkner started as a casual dental nurse in 1987 while still at school. She attained a degree in Arts B.A. (Hons) from The University of Sydney. Since the introduction of the microscope into Dr Spencer’s practice in 2002, Barbara has helped to integrate and develop treatment protocols, including training other nurses in four handed dentistry specific to microscope enhanced practice. Barbara also has over twenty years’ experience with routine rubber dam usage in general practice.

Ms Barbara Faulkner 

The Microscope for the General Practitioner – Part 2


Dr Steven Cohn Dentist

Dr Tim McAnulty Dentist

Dr Sabrina Manickam Dentist

Ms Barbara Faulkner Arts B.A. (Hons)

Thursday 26th Jun 2025
8:30am - 5:00pm
Venue: ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development
1 Atchison St
Region: Overseas
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Brought to you by ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development