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The replacement of a missing tooth with a dental implant can be considered to be a minimally invasive procedure. This full-day hands-on course will introduce participants to dental implants from an evidence-based perspective, and teach how to restore a single implant. The course covers all aspects of treatment planning, materials and the techniques needed to restore an implant and integrate implant dentistry into daily practice. The hands-on exercises will allow the participant to become familiar with the clinical components and tools required as they take impressions and learn how to insert the implant crown.

Learning outcomes

Indications of dental implant treatment How to treatment plan for successful implant restoration Familiarisation with tools and components How to take an impression of a dental implant How to communicate with your laboratory How to insert a dental implant crown How to maintain and look after your implants

Further information 

Dr Graham Carmichael

Dr Carmichael is a Specialist Prosthodontist and a director of The Brånemark Center in West Perth. He graduated from the University of Western Australia with Honours in 2003 and then from the University of Sydney with a Doctorate in Clinical Dentistry in Prosthodontics. He is a Fellow by examination with the Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons, with a MRACDS in Prosthodontics. He has been a committee and executive member of various societies on a state and federal level and was the President of the Dental Specialists Society of WA in 2018. Graham maintains his Prosthodontic private practice in both the surgical and prosthetic aspects of implant therapy, cosmetic rehabilitation and reconstruction of deteriorated dentitions, and has lectured nationally and internationally in these fields. He is a Consultant Prosthodontist in the Craniofacial Unit Perth Children's Hospital and the Maxillofacial Department Royal Perth Hospital and is a Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Western Australia.

Dr Graham Carmichael 

Restore My First Implant


Dr Graham Carmichael

Wednesday 27th Aug 2025
9:00am - 4:30pm
Venue: ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development
1 Atchison St
Region: Overseas
Enrol Now 
Brought to you by ADA NSW Centre for Professional Development