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Review current science and clinical practice for assessing tooth wear, including both simple and complex aetiologies and new diagnostic tools. Use a simple decision tree to evaluate physiologic from pathologic wear, reviewing the application of digital monitoring and biomarker tools to assess active or historical wear. Discuss the latest digital occlusion technologies to evaluate functional and parafunctional activity, and vertical loss. Review techniques for setting new vertical positions, including the role of orthodontics and digitally guided design and solutions. Evaluate inter-disciplinary design and planning with third party applications, as well as simple desktop tools. Novel materials will be discussed, including new 3D printed hybrid ceramic materials and techniques to provide patients staging and transitional solutions to make reconstruction affordable.

Learning outcomes

1. Gain a deeper understanding of tooth wear and it's differentiation. 2. Understand clinical steps involved in its management. 3. Evaluate new materials, including additive and subtractive manufacturing to restore cases with moderate to severe tooth wear.


Dr Andrea Shepperson

Dr. Andrea Shepperson is New Zealand's only DSD Instructor and Master, running New Zealand's first DSD Clinic. Andrea is an internationally recognised clinician, thought leader and educator. One of Australasia’s best-known dentists, she is a sought-after speaker who has always enjoyed being at the forefront of dentistry. A Digital Smile Design Master and Instructor, an Honorary Life Member of the NZ Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, as well as a Mentor and Alumni of the internationally renowned Kois Center in Seattle, USA she is regarded as an innovator and visionary thinker. Andrea is a past Director and Chair of the NZ Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry, and Independent Clinical Advisor to Abano Dental. She founded the Dental Fingerprint, a risk assessment tool for clinicians. Dr. Shepperson studied dentistry at the University of Otago and currently practices in Auckland, New Zealand.

NZACD Aesthetic Dentistry Mini Internship - Module 4


Dr Andrea Shepperson

Friday 22nd Nov 2024
8:30am - 5:00pm
Venue: Shepperson Education
112 Nick Johnstone Drive
Waiheke Island
Region: Auckland
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Brought to you by New Zealand Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry
PO Box 159
New Zealand