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Day 1 – 19th July 2024 -The biology, aetiology and pathogenesis of peri-implant diseases -The latest evidence based approaches for implant maintenance and prevention of disease development -The use of Cumulative Interceptive Supportive Therapy (CIST) in daily practice -The Bern University implant maintenance protocol -When surgical intervention may be required Day 2 – 20th July 2024 --Understand the different surgical treatment options including Implantoplasty, soft tissue and hard tissue grafting -Demonstration of GalvoSurge -Explore cases studies of peri-implant diseases and their extensive management plans -Hands on training using implant models for the delivery of implant surface decontamination and soft/hard tissue grafting -Live patient surgery for management of peri-implantitis

Learning outcomes

-Develop a deeper knowledge of the biology, aetiology and pathogenesis around peri-implant disease -Understand the role of the dentist in prevention and management of peri-implant disease -Demonstrate an ability to apply clinical protocols for implant maintenance in the general practice -Identify cases which require surgical intervention and recommend appropriate care -Explore the latest techniques and technologies for decontaminating failing implants


Dr Sheng Zhang

Dr Sheng Zhang BDS (Adelaide University) BOH (Sydney University) MDSc Perio/Implants (UJI Spain) GradDip Ortho (JCU) FRACDS FIADFE FIDIA Practice limited to periodontology & Implantology Owner of Dental Artistry, an award winning boutique dental practice in Auckland with a focus on implants, periodontics and cosmetic dentistry

Management of Peri-implant Disease


Dr Sheng Zhang

Friday 19th Jul 2024 - Saturday 20th Jul 2024
9:00am - 5:00pm
Region: Auckland
Brought to you by Dental Artistry Academy
Level 1, 38 broadway
New Zealand