Alain Middleton, Christopher Griffiths, Denise Donlon, Stephanie Baylis, Selina Leow, etc
The NSW Forensic Education Committee is comprised of the following presenters: Dr Stephane Baylis is a New Zealand forensic dentist and a researcher in age estimation. A/Professor Denise Donlon is a physical anthropologist at the University of Sydney and Curator of the Shellshear Museum. Dr Pamela Gower is a registered specialist forensic odontologist and is a long standing Visiting Dental Officer (Westmead Hospital) working in the NSW Dental Identification Unit. A/Professor (Affiliate) Chris Griffiths is a registered specialist forensic odontologist and is Joint Coordinator of the NSW Dental Identification Unit. He was a previous Assistant Surgeon General, Air Force. Dr Russell Lain is a registered specialist forensic odontologist and works as a Staff Specialist with Sydney Dental Hospital. Dr Selina Leow is a Visiting Dental Officer (Westmead Hospital) working in the NSW Dental Identification Unit. Dr Alain Middleton is a registered specialist forensic odontologist and joint co-ordinator of the course. Stephen Richards is a forensic social worker at Department of Forensic Medicine, Forensic and Analytical Science Service, Lidcombe. Dr Rebecca Irvine is a forensic pathologist working at Department of Forensic Medicine, Forensic and Analytical Science Service, Lidcombe.
Alain Middleton, Christopher Griffiths, Denise Donlon, Stephanie Baylis, Selina Leow, etc