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Education afternoon for referring dentists Prof. Neil Meredith: Simple solutions to complex problems Dr. Tasha Mackie and Dr. Andrew Mackie: Prosthodontic and periodontic planning to reduce complications with dental implants Dr. Brian Whitley: Fully Guided Surgery Revisited Dr. Simon Lou: Yxoss grafting - re-inventing a Relic transforming titanium crib grafting from 20th to the 21st century

Learning outcomes

Simple solutions to complex implant problems Prosthodontic and periodontic planning to reduce complications with dental implants Yxoss grafting


Prof Neil Meredith PhD

Prof Neil Meredith has been placing and restoring dental implants for over thirty years. After completing an MSc in Fixed Prosthodontics at the Eastman in London in 1987 he was awarded a PhD at Imperial College in 1992. Neil then invented RFA, the diagnostic technique that became Osstell; the world standard for the measurement of implant stability. He undertook research with P-I Bränemark and Tomas Albrektsson in Gothenburg, Sweden and was awarded a second PhD for his work. He returned to the UK as Professor of Restorative Dentistry and Biomaterials at Leeds University. In 1998, Prof Neil Meredith invented a Dental Implant System and raised Venture Capital funding to secure its development. As CEO he carried the system and company through the next ten years where it showed exceptional growth and success. He then moved to Australia to return to Academia as Professor of Prosthodontics at UQ and latterly at James Cook University. He has lectured and published widely and internationally but his real passion is clinical patient treatment and teaching.


Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon

Dr Brian Whitley MDS [Otago] FRACDS [OMS]

Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeon

Dr Tasha Mackie BDS, Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (perio), FRACDS (perio)


Dr Andrew Mackie BDS, MFGDP, DClinDent, MRACDS


Education afternoon


Prof Neil Meredith PhD


Dr Brian Whitley MDS [Otago] FRACDS [OMS]

Dr Tasha Mackie BDS, Doctor of Clinical Dentistry (perio), FRACDS (perio)

Dr Andrew Mackie BDS, MFGDP, DClinDent, MRACDS

Friday 11th Oct 2024
1:00am - 5:00am
Venue: Ferry Bank
154 Grantham Street
Region: Waikato/Bop
Brought to you by Anglesea OMS
Anglesea OMS Ltd, John Sullivan House
62 Tristram Street
Ground Floor
New Zealand