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Grand Round Presentations by DClinDent candidates from the Oral Surgery & Endodontics discipline

Learning outcomes

Clinical Case Presentations by DClinDent candidates from the Oral Surgery & Endodontics discipline


2nd Year DClinDent candidates from Oral Surgery & Endodontics disciplines

2nd Year DClinDent candidates from Oral Surgery & Endodontics disciplines

DClinDent Oral Surgery & Endodontics Grand Round Presentation


2nd Year DClinDent candidates from Oral Surgery & Endodontics disciplines

Thursday 26th Sep 2024
9:00am - 10:00am
Faculty of Dentistry
University of Otago
310 Great King Street
Region: Dunedin, New Zealand
Brought to you by University of Otago Faculty of Dentistry
310 Great King Street
North Dunedin
New Zealand